Since 2012, Unstoppable Kindness has been dedicated to fighting homelessness in Seattle and developing the leadership skills of young women.

What We've Achieved over the past 10 years

  • Assembled and decorated over 9,000 meals.

  • Collected and donated over 7,500 warm clothing and food items in our annual coat and can drive.

  • Collected and donated over 1,300 infant and kid essentials to WestSide Baby in Seattle.

  • Raised over $100,000 in our annual fundraisers.

  • Assembled 350 hygiene packs.

  • Assembled 300 survival backpacks.

  • Donated 250 backpacks to individuals coming out of homelessness and addiction.

  • Assembled 174 school supply backpacks.

  • Assembled 150 welcome home baskets for families at Mary’s Place in Seattle.

  • Donated 138 gift cards to families experiencing homelessness during the holiday season.

  • Created 100 holiday cards for families experiencing homelessness.

  • Created 22 birthday boxes for children at Hope Place in Seattle.

  • Furnished one house for a family in need.

  • Volunteered numerous times at local organizations, including Hope Place and Food Lifeline.